The magic of the mandala in different size, basically same architecture?
I hope you found the 9 mysteries of the word edition (http://17mai.tripod.com/mystery.doc) and the drawings related to correlations or combinations of the numbers 108 and 1008 , including rooms. Not included it the other magic experiences by main squere size 36mx36m ,as here presented architecture, adding a few mysteeries to the other 9, where 108mx108m gives 9x1008m2 this gives 1008m2 foundation and 4 halls 108m2 where they in other exampla was excactly 1008m2(112 minus walls towards the courts, 20 cm tick, same as giving balance elsewhere) and of course 1008 m2 around in the 48x48 and 108 rooms around (with rules for rooms,where there 1008 rooms in the other example. 64mx64m is more natural here giving rooms 4mx4m in stead of 3m x3m)and 4 pyramide stairs, not 3, but then these are details outside the magic paterns of the mandala of the arcitecture.
See http://17mai.tripod.com/mystery.doc for the other mysteries. We have decided the north east there are churche or meditation rooms and halls for people to use, but not reserved any churche or particular religion. Vedic temple arcitecture and mandala is most facinating. We guess there are chackras in numbers of 1008 and 108, and the numbers 7 and 9, is related, 12, 144 too the 108 and 1008 which is number of names of Shiva and presented in 108 verses. Other gods is supposed to have 1008 names too, as the god of magic (not verified internet source). 108 seems to relate 112, difference 4, 2x2 and there are 1017 verses of Rig Veda with 9 words in first verse, difference with 1008, 9 or 3x3. Facinating Sherloch Holmes magic maharaja mathematic mandnala mystery! otherwise we know Guru Dev (former Shankaracharya of India (pope may be a translation) organised a 1008 trust to be build a ashram and there are 108 Marma points (107 and + one trancendental) (acupuncture points but no needles, massage). It is interesting that vastu is related to the 5 fundamentals of air, earth, water, space and fire, with space in centre Brahmasthan, and the others in the corners and first word of Rig Veda, agni is the word for fire element south east! We guess there are 12x12 chakras of individual value for a person, 108 related to the individual existence, from not verified internet sourches. We also guess that chakras from 108 to 1008 goues in paterrns due east, and that northpole magnetic rays and energy of sunrise is secondary influences comming to organise the house towards east. We welcome all with natural interest and knowledge and connection both to join in considering the real value of these patterns and present it on their own page with links to ours and to join in establishing different building projects around the world.
When something on the surface presents values which seems as magic without the underlying principles seen or comprehended, then mystisism is real. We know that one may say that it is just how it is, but that does not trancend the intellects registrations. We are guessing that vedic concepts as the purursa mandala, om sign, the used mandala, brhamasthan (which may be correctly round), city of 9 gates etc. all comes from our origionally developed for more than 20 years ago, dome of peace, with its 9 circle foundation and domes! We found something universal as there are 9 demigods associated with the 8 directions and brhamasthan from traditional stapthya veda, knowledge of estanlishments, including the 9 levels of kingdoms, as far as old Indian tradition is reflecting pure, universal knowledge.
Pyramids of Egypt known to be buildt according to stapthya veda, may have just been the foundation of buildings as our triuphal arch, which have a construction as a pyramide in support of the stability of the building. This is just an interesting reflection, as also it was built by channels of water, with boats floating the heavy rochs and lifting the roch then is by filling up water! Egypt and Giza has the nile north and east! It seems that intepreters of findings ignore the obvious role of defence a pyramid also includes Combining all 5000 year old rules of architecture the palace with its 9 gardens, the triumphal arch and the Giza pyramide (as a foundation) a beatiful palace topping Giza as it probably was, based on many details included in the Sherlock Holmes deduction! Ureka, we also found the first mystic 1008 rooms (exactly 1008) in the palace based on the size of Giza or acctually as giza probobly once was. And in our beatiful architecture, there was a problem, the gardens and courts was so deep into the buildin, that and the fact that a pyramid with another angle, was used as stabilsing building construction for the Triumphal Arch Together for Peace was main indicators of a good combinations, which all using same rules and logic would perhaps find. This quaterly Global Times magazines presents The Giza Revivle Great Pyramid peace city enterprise!
There are probably more combinations as 240m side is 2x12x10, and 12 is a key in 108, 144, 1008. It is a great joy to introduce building projects of Peace Cities Giza size 240mx240mx240m and the 600m high project to let the pyramids once againbe the tallest buildings in the world.
American pyramids seems to follow the same architecture as Cheops and if by 53 degreas, one have a 45 degree stairs from top to botom at each side, one reaches excactly the side building of the mandala, see triumphal arch entrance mandala foundation left! Within the technology of egypt, channels accross the Nile for boats to move stones was possible, partly stopping the Nile to fill with water, and towers outside or within the pyramid could take the boats up to the wanted higth and water fall energy by the Nile could do the job. his smart they probably was! the pyramid architecture: http://club1008.tripod.com/gt9-1.doc http://club1008.tripod.com/keopsk.bmp