Building innovation universities, palaces of the infrastructure of world peace or The Triumphal Arch Together for Peace, we hope to do around the world first in major cities
We hope to build so many that each citizen of our global homeland may enjoy his own room of 2016 in the building 144mx144m or considerable larger, same architecture. This second home and office of every citizen also gives the independence of the Global Voice of Conscience, non political, pure democracy of our global homeland. A up dated drawing is found here:
and introduction to Global Bank with its digital currency Dhanan and initiative to give every a minimum income is presented here:
as the building also is the foundation of Global Bank where based on Global Intranet still 100% dependent on the democratic control of the the democracy.
Invitations to Mayors around the world as the mayor of Delhi, New York, London, etc. is sent :
Dear Honourable Mayor,, we shall be grateful to receive assistance to establish a building project for oue innovation university with several businesses, humanitarian foundations, 2016 rooms with windows (office, student room, hotel room, multiple purpose) many halls etc. the drawing is found here : The smallest is 144x144, but 192x192 more normal size and up to 572mx572mx572m is planned. We seeks opportunities for many buildings around the world, and perhaps an arch bow of triumph, the entrance of the building 36m high or from 16m high and up. above the centre squere of Trondheim we have suggested an 80 m high arch bow 80mx80mx80m that is! Paris is known for its bows and the very best centre location may be possible as a small office and vegitarian / vegi resturant as centre office, where a larger building as a castle in natural beatiful surroundings outside town, perhaps. water east, not west, entrance east etc. is values of the land according to stapthya veda we seek.
With cordial greetings, Stein Roar Andersen President World Peace Fund registered new names are instead of S:R:ANDERSEN, Rajananda Dhananjaya and the fund is now also called World Constituion Fund, by the Constitution of World Peace! Last year was focusing on world democracy, our global voice of conscience and we established The Global Parliament of Conscience. The new year inaugurated by spring eqinox Norway is The Year of Global Net Work, to promote the global safety net for all, known as New Fundamental Global Order. please also see |
The green areas in centre is courts and the blue areas halls.
The science of wholeness enterprise was established in 1980 and the present focus is establishing buildings for the non-political world democracy of the Global Voice of Conscience
The building above is inspired by stapthya veda architecture and has 9 halls 1008m2 (the 4 blue areas around in centre is halls) and 9 courts, indicated by the green areas within the squere of 108m x 108m minus squers, giving exactly 9x1008m2, which also is the foundation of the area around, 9x1008m2/ outside 108mx108m and inside 144mx144m) which also has exactly 1008 rooms 3mx3m, which is the number of rooms found in the top building 108mx108m too. There are 64 houses on the roof + the the Triumph Arch above the centre court with the ninth hall on 2 levels 1008m2, too! Thses mystic correlations are found, not created, a magic curiosity of the stapthya veda architecture, a source of inspiration for all classical architecture! These buildings shuold accordingly be oriented exactly north, siouth, east west on the land and preferably have entrance east. In 1980 we introduced the science of wholeness enterprise to unify science and give the foundation for the unification of world society. It is a great joy to present the updated more complete opportunity for all of us by the building project. The entrance of a triumph bow may be buildt alone in the centre of citizs as vegiresturants. The invitation to all countries to give land to a new country of global land in union also includes giving embasy land or international land agreement as airports, for just one building. For cities a arch bow of triumph and bliss above a court, a park, a squere or a centre nice street,parking place, football field etc. giving offices and perhaps a vegi resturant and conference room. Life in peace settled is bliss enjoyed, but India in its national symbol quotes upanisads: Truth Alone Triumphs.The Arch of Triumph Together for Peace may be seat for the library of the unity of science and Global Intranet as well together with an office of the Innovation University, all dependendt on size and economy to be found. 16 m high (see entrance of the large building) is possible, but 24 m is higth is needed to have 1ome 100-200 m2 area, 36m high is very nice, as a ship 576m high even is a idea. The Arch of Triumph Together for Peace is the entrance building called and may be buildt as a separate building in the very centre of the cities of the world. The largest triumphal arch in the world AND TALLEST BUILDING may be a possibility, too and as the architecture is inspired by India, the Upanisads says Truth alone Triumphs! From today 23th of January 2004 the Triumoh Bow Together for Peace is presented on the public exhibition on behalf of the city government about the future of the main centre square and on it, where we hace suggested 2 alternative sizes; about 24m high or 80m high and in both cases with a sene on each side, north, south, west and east. The arch alone: see:
My name is chanced this autumn 2004 from Stein Roar Andersen to Rajananda Dhananjaya and the local Trondheim newspaper present this on page 22 26th of November and also here: The first name Rajananda is a combination of 2 sanscit words Rajan for the majestetic nature of all, each and one and anandam, meaning bliss! The last name Dhanajaya means winner of wealth, with weigth on knowledge as wealth and found in Mahabaratha.
Please, be free to contribute to the Union of Our Global Homeland.
Our approach to the government is an invitation to give acceptance for a building project and to assist finding land wether we have to bay it or it is a welcomming gift from the government. Of course government, businesses, citizens, organisations etc. is welcome to support our enterprice in general or one project or preliminary project. By the many initiatives to establish preliminary building projects, raising all the money needed for each project would be a part of the building project itself and dependendt on costs and what use would be possible! If you send money to support a local project: Please, say so when sending money.
Account 5361 14 39713 by Rajananda Dhananjaya, in DnBNOR bank Trondheim Norway may be used for your contribution. Please, add name, adresss, emailadress and the message "Contribution to our global homeland or World Peace Tax", when sending money to the account. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly and of course offer you a free eSubscription of Global Times.
As a curiosity, the building is inspired by Stapthya Veda and a Tibeatan mandala and by the size of 144mx144m, where 108mx108m is the next squere, many magic correlations of the mystic numbers of 108 and 1008 from vedic knowledge, too. This is also a introduction at:
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