CD Bookclub 1008 and opportunities of Jaya network
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Welcome to My book club and to Jaya network direct sale with good opportunities for real good income by supporting world peace enterprice. The Perfect Place to Find Great Products among 1008 books, too.
The Global Growth Pyramid, the pyramid corresponding to the needs of the world, the challenge of time for each and one of us and the Global Information, Communication, Research, Education and Supreme Economy Pyramid, the minimum of knowledge needed to be on top of any challenge by the maps of the library of the unity of science so one can do least to accomplish most, is the facinating universal foundation for developing books corresponding to the 1008 most fundamental challenges of time and the interest and responsibility of anyone with a natural position in the world. These books may be part of other books edited for specific purposes, interests and editing requests and is an extention of Global Times as reference centre. You when found an orgional approach, problem or natural book, may even edit a book corresponding to the interest of others with similar approach with different articles including you own.

First book, The Challenge of Time, you as a member do not pay for. However, covering costs of registration and sending it to you, is expected. The Global Growth network offers different opportnutunities and participation so one may even earn money by doing natural duties as a good member we develops. The bookclub includes networking to develop the library of the unity of scienmce for this purpose and pure and global democracy to safeguard purity, not corruption of any kind.

It is a great joy to offer you, each and everyone an opportunity of Jaya network development.
Jaya, the movie or filmaidtrilogy
Rajananda Dhananjaya President of World Constitution Fund and Jaya Universitas
A generous offer to you, each and everyone, is an opportunity of Jaya network development which also includes income opportunities most interesting as balance for economy and for working a lot with promoting a true foundation of world peace including the environment. Fulffilling once duty towards the world and with balance for spending a lot of time doing so, part time or fultime, while once responsibilities for good economy is met by a fantastic good income potential. You may be a good sales person meeting with people and creating succsess, good at giving lectures or conferences, intersted in focus on achiving succses on Internet and by advertisements or just want to start with some friends and family. There are many good aproaches dependent on skills and interests. One may earn 2 million NOK the first year, or with a sucsessful congress program $ 1 million. When you earn more than £5000 a month, when passing the first £100.000,- income as year, you agrees to invest the money above the sum in our stock companies with investment in property as houses and new buildings with profile as a safe place to invest, stocks easy to sell we guess. The opening registration of your interests in joining the many business opportunities or/ and doing voluntary free work, cost about £10 or NOK 108 (Norwegian kroner) and gives you an E-book introducing the enterprice and the Jaya Universitas Nwtwork JUN and a Global Times JUN E- subscription.
It is a great joy to welcome you into a glimps of the university study and research into selfrealization, the winning of your true self. Jaya Universitas is the new foundation and research university with the true meaning of education, which from Latin means reavealing from a hidden potential from within, revealing ones true self and true constitution, a process of selfrealization. It is a question of constitution of healt, religion, opportunities while dependent on surroundings or the world, environment and world peace.
Jaya Universitas has the sanscrit word jaya, means winner and latin word universitas, means turned into one whole in its name and true festivals, congresses and the trilogy Jaya as program of education. One of the 3 movies, the first one is named How We Won the World about the code of honour and fair play allowing everyone to become a winner in their own lives, emjoy freedom and independence or collectivily world peace, the same thing. As it is the constitution of a person to be healthy, so it is the constitution of the world to live in peace and natural progress and growth. As modern society is transformed by integrating modern science and technology, so the whole world may be transformed or turned into one whole by integrating the science of selfrealization of winning ones own constitution. Jaya Universitas is the university of the knowledge to win ones own constitution in order for all of us to win the natural state of peace in the world, enjoy our healthy constitution.That knowledge everyone should share to be a part of a global safetynet for all, gives jaya degrees of selfrealization of the constitution of the global knowhow and global need pyramid. Verifying that a person knows the code of honour and fair play, allowing everyone to enjoy life in freedom.
We welcome everyone to enroll as a student and we welcome every student to inspire others to join in as well by a network of Global Student Union established in Trondheim some 5 years ago with a local branch at the University in Trondheim, NSD NTNU. More about the movie or trilogy is found at and we hope to sell tichets in advanced to cover the costs of the most expensive movie ever, even though we plan to have the expensive world stars to pay to join in, equal to what they otherwise expect to get paid for the job. Those in the network is welcome to communicate interest for joining in the movie project, too!
Rajananda Dhananjaya, account 53611439713, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway is reference for those joining in and whereever legal a multilevel marketing direct sale of student registration support the network development. In Norway the student fee is only NOK 100.- and the student position gives position to order courses, first in the key for the movies, congresses, festivals etc. And a position as a selfsufficient business person selling the registration of new students by the studentfee and by teams cooperating and witnessing the registration and communicating it within the network. When A becomes a student, he may sell to B also paying NOK 100 as a student fee, 20,-kr cash to A and 80,- kr to our account. When B registers C he receives 20 kr covering costs as stamps, copies etc to and A receives 20,-kr (minus costs of sending them) from the 80,-kr paid to the account, A and B cooperates as a team. B and C forms a team, too, but when C sells, A receives no money, that would be an illegal pyramid game and not a legal pyramid or network of direct sales called multilevel marketing most natural when developing networks is the work. The price is covering an E-book with NOK 30, NOK 30 an E-subscription and NOK 40 for the work of registrationis registration your order with 40% to the team selling. If yoy sells to 2 every day and they are doing the same, selling to 2 doing the same etc, you earn 40 kr the first day, after 10 days more than 2000 kr , after 40 days 40,000,- kr. How much after 64 days? If noone registers you, you may applay by sending 100,-kr covering the registration of your application to the above account with message Jaya Universtas student fee and an emailadress as well.
Doing this you also joins in promoting the filmaid enterprise with the goal of making eveyone in the whole world selfsufficient by a guarantueed minimum income and with the first theme and smile How We Won the World, about how the movie itself and all of us joining in acctually by celebrations of world union is winning the world, all is winning the constitution of world peace.
Yours Sincerely
Rajananda Dhananjaya
President of Jaya Universitas
Jayanetwork also sells stocks in the companies to produce the movies, festivals etc. and those representing the network sale in every country. A stock company or a foundation, a person or team may represent the organisation within a country by documentation with Dhananjaya and with 10% to cover costs by rules. 2 a day a year gives more than 2 million NOK or £200,000 for a person, so 10% may be considerable sums. Sums above a limmit must be invested in one of our company, with investments in property of our own in order to have a relatively riskfree investment. We plan to cover all production costs of the movie by selling tichets to the movie and local festivals within the network before production.

NOK 8 goes to Rajananda Dhananjaya foundation for his assistence of the organisation of the enterprice, however this is a voluntary free gift, so you are free to pat either 100 kr or 108, which is the sum to be sent the above account. However, if you are registered by someone, you pay 20,-kr directly to him, in order to cover his costs of copies, stamps and other routines of team registration and only 80 or 88 kr to the account.
You also gives your email adress when paying and sends an email to with the message in both: "I am ordering herby JUN E-book and E-Subscription."
Achieve a level or degree as a winner of world peace, Now!
I am ordering herby JUN E-book and E-Subscription.
Date and signature:

Copy this into your mail and send it, it is a good idea to refere to which day you sent the money so that is established.

Here, the Keops pyramid as foundation for a building is the inspiration for the construction, together with that thousend of years old tradition of architecture known as stapthya veda.

It is a great joy to welcome everyone to join in.
CD book club 1008
is the Global Times Book Club with 1008 CD books available and some of them for you to edit. By a CD you may choose how you want it printed, and we advice or suggest a lot of words on one sheet of paper in order to be economic with trees. Inexpensive printing solutions or exclusive and expenses is for you to choose.
Global Times as a reference system as modern newspaper gives you what you may want from books in any way, except illegal ones.
The book of the club focuses alone on global growth and health with speciality the science of wholeness enterprise and we suggest all citizens should be an expert of one area of important focus for global growth on any level. And perhaps edit a book for others to read.
One important new university assists the updating editions of the books: World Constitution University with Institute of Duties of Global Religion, focusing of revealing the principles of the religions of the world giving guidance for what to do with ones global responsibilities. A enterprise still non-religious wanting to integrate everyone’s universal duty by action of course must have such a reference centre in order to be adjusted to what everyone may be able to accept as universal duty, universally acceptable by all. As Hinduism based on non violence with pillar vegetarian non-violence can not accept producing and serving meat as a product of their universal cooperation. One resting day a week is important for many, even when part time activity is the rule and decency likewise must be respected. Integrating these values without representing them is easy, but comprehending and understanding them is vital for the integration processes and some of the adaptation by balance is here presented.
Economy should not be difficult and when considering all what people dispose in general even stamps is to be considered expensive in Norway. Therefore there are at least 2 prices, one according to what one in Norway easily can pay, most people that is, and one price based on upholding some club activities as inspiring more and more people to join in. The idea is that most people in the world joins in and is developing his own books from which he may enjoy income potential, too.
The revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace is available also as CD book, published 1986, 10 000 copies and with a good scientific introduction and updating.
When you have a CD you may download it and print it and give the physical CD to someone else as a gift, and perhaps a circle could share gifts like that!
If it is easy for you without any strain on your economy, we shall accept about the equal of US$ 12 as a fee for registering your membership and the first CD is free, a welcomming gift while the cost of sending it to you is covered! The equal of US$ 1008 is the price, so if your unusual wealthy, please be free to pay the sum. However, the costs is based on that Global Bank gives free money for information from the Library of the Unity of Science, and those registered by that system as Subscribers of Global Times, may achieve covering of the whole or part of the sum by that arrangement. Perspective of your role as a citizen of the world on all levels is the theme of the book club, but of course any theme what so ever, is thereby covered. But developing of books includes mapping from main lines to pieces of information focusing on small areas og specialization, according to the theme and in such a way that when the themes are developed, it is growing so it is avaialable accordingly for new readers, as a tree or global growth pyramid!
Stein Roar Andersen

Getting Rich QuickFrom My Site! In order to promote the business of assisting our non-profit foundation opportunities found is rich by profit potential. However, we do not have resourches to hire a million men and find them. All who think a good part time job at least firts, later as you choose, according to everyones natural duties in todays world, is interesting, find for us perhaps that assistence. Of course those wanting to and doing a good job should be paid well. As Havard university we are told, fund raisers are best paid, which is one of 1008 buisnesses related to the enterprise as well.
Want to open an online store of your own in minutes? We offer the opportunity and hopes you find the action to realize it!
Stein Roar Andersen
Subject of mail: CD Bookclub Padma 1008
Members is given a free introduction. gives more information of the filmaid initiative as well as of the book club.