Our Global Homeland enjoys World Constitution, The Constitution of World Peace and a global safetynet for all, including balances for the environment. World Constitution Fund established 1986 as World Peace Fund honours countries and organisations establishing communication as a global country of of world peace, as India, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and UN as example of an international organisation. Non is yet honoured as a global country of world union, achieved when Global Bank by digital currency has established agreements with the country or organisation or an official embasyarea is found in the city for a triumphal arch together for peace as an EMBASY OF OUR GLOBAL HOMELAND. Global Country of World Constitution a country is honured when most people in the country is joining in or The Constitution of the country has integrated articles of World Constitution. We plan to achieve several new countries with their own constitution as a Global Country of World Constitution as environmental cities and land which is pure global land, organised only by a foundation supporting world constitution and as a property of the people of the world thereby. Land between the boarders of all coutries, islands, etc. is suggested for other countries to share by our initiative as environmental cities and perhaps land where there is disagreement of what country should have ownership, a new country of world union we may assist with. Building environmental cities around the world at sea, on land, in countries or by land given to global land as new countries, includes a good world peace strategy itself, applying new solutions prooving that life may be better by rigth approaches lifesupporting for all and the environment! The ungoing research into technical opportunities has led to excelent opportunity by our own technology, a greenhouse to balance the greenhouse effect with wave, solar wind energy production!
Heating water by solar energy and lenses, giving gas to lift a pyramid accordian baloon 1km up perhaps, where the gas is cooled a little let down as pure and hot water (the heat may be recirculated). The hot air lifting a new baloon high up letting out hot air by sucking, which is also giving energy, may balance the greenhouse effect by letting out hot air not going down to surface again and perhaps even creating clouds, reflecting sun energy. If all desert are made a garden by the fresh water, perhaps enough system is there to balance global warming. The latest quarterly magazin of Global Times has a more complete introduction to the energy potential and climate patent. We found several spelling mistakes when making word edition of the following, however, good introduction it is! The new drawings do not have a 45 degree angle in the ship, but 52 as Cheops pyramid construction. Hopefully, the magazine is published soon, comming soon in word edition, now available at http://Club1008.tripod.com/gt9.doc
It is agreat joy to to introduce a good combination using solar energy to produce energy by waterfall and wind energy by heating water and air and hopefully as well balancing global warming by unwanted heating of the earths armosphere, may very well be within the reach of the technology developed and with patent registration demand in norway so far. The suns energy is catched by lenses and led into a pyramid, perhapseven resting on the side of a pyramid in the shape and size of keops and resting on baloons with airorwater around the sides so it can follow the sun by moving air or water from ballon to baloon and perhaps with a diameter of 50m. Inside the pyramid is a huge pool digged beloved sea level and with tubes or channels into the sea or acctually we have a floating island 320mx320m with the pyramid on top, 240mx240mx160m high, with top buildings or balloons.The pyramid greenhouse is heating the water below by lenses on the sides and perhaps larger lenses to focus on these 50 diameter leneses. With the new strong glass products, perhaps huge lenses with 1000m in diameter is focusing the sun on thel lenses east,north and south of the pyramid. On the top of the pyramidis a building and balloon floating by itself, but when also lifted by the hot gas of water comming out on the top of the pyramid, it is lifting a pyramid accordion baloon up perhaps 10 km, (we have not the calculations) but the idea or technolohy seems nice, probably working. This 10km insulated tube, let the gas of water cool at the sides of the top, cathed by tubes and let out producing waterfall energy on the west side of the pyramid, and giving pure water production! 10 km up or more the hot air is let out by a new pyramid accordion going many km up in the air perhaps and the difference of 90 degrees celcius perhaps air and the cold athmosphere high up is pruducing sucking of air from below, which may be taken out as energy as well, and energy (heat)let out that high, is reducing the global warming if the pyramids in numbers are enough and perhaps large enough, 600m high, 2 km high, the size and adaption is a combination of what is possible, here we just present the mechanics, sendt for patent registration.We shallbe grateful for a immidiate debate of the opportunity to give the world water, energy and relief from treaths of global warming.The pyramid building and floating island is presented here:http://club1008.tripod.com/the pyramiddrawings arefound here:http://club1008.tripd.com
we plan to build the ship presented in size 320mx320m and 3 may give to presenting lenses and one receiving sun ligth from them. building a city with a 1008 small boats 14,4mx14,4m and 108 21,6mx21,6m which may lock together as one big island, is an opportunity of the environmental city, too. The lenses by glas as steel may be 1km in diameter or many small once, hitting one lens or mirror on the pyramid above the pool of water to be heated. when 1 km diameter perhaps only the upper 2/3 of the lens is produced. building walls of lenses bot on the pyramid and outside to hit the pyramid from a larger area is possible. Walls or greenhousewindows with many small lenses held there by baloons of water or air around theedge pressing fromn both side the lense in wanting position, and by a simple computerprogram and litlle pressure air or water are moved from baloon to baloon, the lense may foloow the sun, all lenses may follow the sun and related to where one want the focused ligth to hit, which is simple if it is a large pool, but more concentrated heating is interesting. This is good both for this system as well as for homes with computers wanting to heatwater and produce electricity by the damp.
Latest Global Times present the system which is adjusted to function within the practical possibilities of today. We are also welcomming all countries to give away land to environmental cities around the world so Global Land may give new opportunities, outside the boundries of the isolated growth on cost of the whole which the economic system of the world represents.
Environmental Cities, global land and countries with their own constitution as perhaps like Norway's and in union with other countries may be a good idea and integrating world constitution as a global country of world union which is suggested projects is The new Faroese islands, Rockall, for the President of Maldives and between India and Shri Lanka and at the river Nile. The new Faroese constitution in union with Denmark perhaps, may have a constitution like Norway, perhaps even with R. Dhananjaya one of the worlds formost experts on democratic constitutions, may establish the capital of europe as modern hydrogen based city and establishing billion dollar hydrogen businesses and ignoring the oportunities of oil perhaps possible to develop, while hydrogen production in North sea has greater potential. World Watch Institute Dahle about Renewable energy, big potentials and large opportunities on the Sintef, NTNU conference 17.06.04 defined the challenge as finding the new energy technologies and establish energy efficiency resrach. He referred to Einstein stating that the development needs a new approach and when receiving a presentation of the above technology also sendt to patent registration, he was presented that the wholistic approach acctually are a science or the science of wholeness enterprise, balancing isolated growth and purely being a scientific approach. What is needed is a practical strategy based on technology available and sharing of tactical tasks. The science of wholeness enterprise represents the perfect reference system for such a development with scientific criteria. However, finding practical standards may be needed and global pure democracy is efficient tool to organise a common platform for growth, without corruption or reason not for standing by. Example one may vote for agreeing that all energy should be changed to hydrygen and massproduction of things to produce electricity by that in home, tubes for distribution etc. may be agreed as a collective neccesity.
It is a great joy to welcome all to join in. we enjoy as theme of this reference year for the library of the unity of science, global world democracy, non-political to uphold democratic controll with the enterprise. We are seeking contributions to estrablish an office working full time with the development of this important for the environmet as well, humanitarian initiative. We need to raise at least US$ 30,000.- ( 10.000 to part time jobs, 5000 computer, phone and bankbox, 10 000 patent registration, 5000 expenses of establishing global networking). We shall be grateful to be offered a donation or a friendly investment by a development agreement where twice the raised money is paid back when a company is established and by stocks in that company.
Rajananda Dhananjaya Padma@emailaccount.com Club1008@lycos.com http://club1008.tripod.com/ More about floating islands: http://club1008.tripod.com/ra1008.doc http://club1008.tripod.com/gt9.doc