It is a great joy to welcome you by introducing our latest project, see above!
Welcome to my personal homepage, Padma1008. Some of the links lefthand is in the English language. It is my personal homepage, but is covering aspects of the science of wholeness enterprice by different links and building projects. It is a great joy to introduce interesting opportunities for each and everyone and a global saftynet for all by World Constitution of our global homeland. The safetynet called New Fundamental Global Order includes 4 main aspects to be developed by globl universal cooperation part time by most citizens in the world. New Fundamental economical world Order represents New Fundamental Human Rigth and Duty by the gift of free a minimum of housing, clothing and food to everyone, also with suggested adaptation to world economy as a minimum garantued income to all, to get a smooth transformation to a foundation for peace and harmony growth and fulfilment for all. New Funamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order represents everyone's free access to the library of the unity of science and the integration of the unity of science by everyone's assistance. global, pure non political democracy to ensure democratic control and to hav a global voice of conscience is the third value to be developed and integrated in the daily life of all and the forth value, nothing else, is classic cultural celebration of world union, as the Citizens Independence Day by Spring Eqionox Norway. The enterprice includes a number of independent foundations assiting the growth of global universal cooperation.
VELKOMMEN til min Padma1008 hjemmeside. Vi introduserer byggeprosjekt av miljøbyer og fredspalass med 1008 rom for hver borger i hele verden, altså mange bygg verden rundt. Byggeprosjekt av triumfbuen sammen for fred i alle byer verden rundt er også presentert samt byggeprosjekt av bolig for meg selv og andre som deltar i foretagendet. Miljøbyer til sjøs med store og mange små skip som kan settes sammen til en stor flåte, flytende øy, med teknologi for bølge, sol og vind energi bl.a. i system slik at man kanskje kan motvirke global oppvarming, produsere det ferskvann som trenge for å gjøre ørkener til oaser og ren energi i overflod, samtidig i klimapatenten.
Vi trenger å reise ekstreme beløp i denne sammenheng og har likesågodt 1008 forretningskonseopt vi innbyr til å være med å realisere ved humanitære stiftelser og AS for økonomisk virksomhet uten risiko ut over kapital reist.
For flere prosjekt har vi innsamlingskampanjer på beløp på 1 milliard sveitserfrang for det prosjektet og vi tillater for alle store og små prosjekt et samspill mellom sponsing og aksjonær deltakelse. Der næringslivet har overkapasitet eller produkter i overskudd eller ønsker enn sunn satsning med potensiale, kan man også gå inn med varer eller assistanse. mange av våre patenter sendt til registrering har annet potensiale enn i klimapatentorganiseringer også. Linser som styres av komputer ved solen og i flere nivå av rammer som også styres etter solen ved pc beregninger, kan nyttes til å varme vann i hus og damp til å produsere elektrisitet. 50% av energien i Europa nyttes vistnok til hus, slik at klima patenten kan få en dobbeltbetydning her ved å gjøre alle hus selvforsynte med ren energi. Et AS alene på utvikling av ideen er en god ide og her som ellers gjelder følgende organisering:
Stiftelsen utviklingsselskapet mottar gjerne sponsorbidrag til forskning og utvikling og da man ønsker å drive uten økonomisk risiko og stort og etablere AS innen vanlig økonomisk virksomhet for å dra opitimalt nytte av utviklingen, tilbyr vi sponsor mulighet til å få aksjer i utviklingsselskapet motsvarende 2 ganger sponsorbidrag. Stiftelsen så langt revisor kan godkjennme selger til AS utviklingssels rettigheter til å utvikle produktet, som hele veien tilhører stiftelsen. ASet oppnår ved dette kjøp rett til å oppnå 200% av innsats i aksjekapital i nytt selskap på samme vis, samt ha om god jobb er gjort mulighet til enda bedre økonomiske avtaler for drift av større selskap, hvor også økonomer er behøvd, og hvor milliarder skal reises i aksjekapital. Spesifisering av alle avtaler i kjøps og salg dokument og etter forhandlinger om ordlyd og balanser. Men prinsippet er greit. Stiftelsen skal ha 50% av aksjene i begge selskap ved motregning av de de verdier som ligger i salget. Noe kontanter må til og meget av aksjekapital håpes å reises i verdier av assistanse og varer, som for sponsorverdier til stiftelsen, som gjerne må representere sponsorpris, f.eks. 20-30% avslag på ordinær pris!
Miljødepartement eller organisasjoner og alle med god vilje og naturlig ansvar er velkommen til å inngå med penger eller assistanse i samsvar med ovenstående. Vi trenger ledere som adm dir og styreformann, økonomiansvarlig, juridisk ansvarlig etc. og håper at de aller mest respekterte og dyktigste kan være med på deltid i team. Kanskje "fusjons ordninger" slik at store konsern tar delansvar for et helt AS kan være en god ide.
Vi ønsker alle velkommen med også på dugnad hvor noe av innsatsen kan registreres som aksjer over. Vi søker koordinatorer og innsamlingsaksjon funksjonærer på alle nivå og for hele det helhetsvitenskapelige foretagende, hvor alle 1008 stiftelsene og selskapende skal assistere verdens folk og samspill ved foretagendet og verdens grunnloven for vårt globale hjemland.
From latest edition of Global Times quaterly magazine: ISSN 1500-6972 Global Times 9-4 Fourth quarter Year 9 inaugurated March 2004 The Magazine of fourth quarter of Year 9 of our Scientific Reference Years of the Library of the Unity of Science, beginning with December Norway 2004, 4th seven year period of scientific integration of the themes of Universitas week, published late, -march 2005! Global Times is published quarterly and the new scientific reference year is by number of days for each quarter of the year beginning with Spring Equinox, Norway. Global Times magazine - a science of wholeness enterprise publication by the reference system Global Times! Published by GT Editor in Chief Rajananda Dhananjaya up to last year also known as Stein Roar Andersen. The new year was a celebration of global non-political world democracy of World Constitution of our Global Homeland. The opportunity for all to join in enjoying the power of efficiency of modern technology and really fulfil the development by correlation corresponding to technological opportunities and the organising intelligence of the enterprise, is not only practical and within reach with fulfilment of world economy, it is the obvious and natural step of action to take together, all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours. However, society is decades behind because of lack of stability in the patterns of controlling the development, partly because of systems not developed to serve and meet challenges outside small boundaries of a time of another millennium. Global democratic control by the people , we who are living here on this beautiful planet of ours, is the key factor in order for people to enjoy a position of assisting by routines more efficient and therefore less time demanding than how one achieves the same thing today, for those having a rich economy and not a lot of secretaries to do it, as example. This last year is a celebration of global non-political world democracy of World Constitution of our Global Homeland. As one never do anything for economy itself and it is the universal true interest of all for common organisation which is the focus; the fulfilment of world society, is the natural theme of this year, by the democracy itself. The Global Voice of Conscience is the theme of the year. For those knowing the integration of the 4th 7 year period’s theme with the theme of the year, enlivening the expressed interests of the people of our global homeland is the focus, as well as giving each and one the independence to be free to do so! So everybody communicating togetherness, touch with the union of our global homeland is our royal welcome and collective duty to organise communication and references for. For those who can afford to, please be free to pay a world peace tax! Autumn equinox this 22nd of September 2004 in Norway initiates the Universitas Week dedicated to global world democracy every year and we welcome all citizens to participate every where every year by this people of the world, world citizen week! When we this year is celebrating the theme of global world democracy, world constitution of our global homeland we uphold the purely non-political approach to global, universal cooperation inaugurated as the science of wholeness enterprise in 1980. Politics is said to be patterns of dividing values, but when we are sharing values it is free and equal to each and one, and this is not dividing it, because it is universal values according to new fundamental human right and duty, the natural possession of being a human individual, values of freedom and independence which is outside or above politics. Sun Salute Society as a pyramid church is established as an independent foundation to unify all religion by the duty of its members, not to be the reason for others destruction or injury. Most religions says do towards others what you like others to do to you, do not what you do not want others to do. This is a independent foundation outside the non political and non religious science of wholeness enterprise, but promotes action to uphold the Global Voice of Conscience from the point of religion. The Party of 17th of May 1992 in Norway, established during the celebrations of the constitution of Norway, Norway’s independence, offers all the concepts as a gift to the Library of the Unity of Science as itself as a independent party uses Global Times and its reference system to organise a independent reference centre for the voters own political program. Representatives in the parliament or within the party then represents each and one by how they is registered in the database or library of the unity of science, with its concepts of security. The Global Voice of Conscience integrates this as The Global Parliament of Conscience as a reference centre for how others can participate or contribute and with election of one representative for every 1- 2 million persons of all ages. The representatives votes on behalf of those he represents with that many votes, so the number those not need to be fixed equal and when annually representatives is elected, those voters not having success getting their representative so to say elected ,may choice among those elected for their new representative. A representative promotes important questions, criticism etc. found in his database preferably with a number of voters behind, within or outside his group. Voters may change their representation from day to day if they so want and representatives runs statistics in order to forward point of views for others, leaders of the world and those concerned. The Constitution of Norway as understood by the party of its constitution is an excellent opportunity for all countries to fulfil their democracy, and The Global Parliament of World Peace assists, supports, debates etc. but do not interfere, also if a they want to fulfil their government, democracy etc. While the king or executive power if president is wanted as an example, may be protected by a new constitution as a independent state power, so the rulers of a country may safeguard their possession by democracy, rather than being insecure by the process, also because laws should not be used on actions before established. This opportunity of computers and the library to fulfil democracy must be easy and enjoyable to integrate everywhere, especially if world constitution was integrated as well as the constitution of the land of world union. Countries, group of countries, all countries perhaps by UN, universities, organisations etc. may be free to integrate the whole thing, the real thing by the answer to the challenge and opportunity of time. It also fulfils parliamentary organisations where political parties can advice people how to structure their own program giving a smoother system of adjustment to the chances and challenges of time! Articles of religion may be integrated as well and as far the spirit of democracy is uphold local values may be integrated in the constitution. The science of wholeness enterprise stays non political and non religious but the reference system may be used for persons interests in many ways, just like internet, not itself involved. It is very important to protect this value of the enterprise not representing itself other values than those given by World Constitution. There are experts listed in our reference system who may assist any government by their own personal business in considering fulfilling their own democracy or government. We herby suggest that Global Parliament of Conscience governs global defence especially against pollution and dangers against the environment, but also all national defence organisations united by rules if agreed, the oceans outside nations, space with satellites and other global executive organisations so far represented with independent foundations of the enterprise, ready to serve. Dangers as disturbing the oxygen balance, global warming, statistic of poverty, rainforest disturbances, disturbances of the oceans, genetic-manipulation etc. are all indications of a war against mankind, where the holocaust of last millennium was called crime against mankind. We therefore invites all men to join global defence by Global Parliament of Conscience. The parliament consist of about 5000 representatives, and before a group has elected, a representative may be chosen to represent as geographical area. When the capital city is built, the parliament may have one representative for every 1008 persons. It is a great joy to invite all car producers and all persons with responsibilities of development in the area in governments, organisations, businesses, universities etc. to apply for participation in our many planned conferences on the topic of the hydrogen society, where we seek interests in joining in building the first environmental city, where everything is based on hydrogen and where organisations give a true technological utopia. We may even build the entire city at sea so it can go around the world or even as a floating island in the air. Participation in a one day program with introductory and welcoming lecture, meetings of debate and group meetings to discuss opportunities costs only £1008 for each person and includes lunch, information materials to take home and is covering costs of meeting location, which may be in Trondheim or first class hotels around the world. If a particular interest in arranging such a conference in a capital city or somewhere else, we may even consider to arrange the conference outside our established weekly program, one conference a week, if the costs is covered of us moving the conference program. We shall be grateful to hear from you, anyone interested, and by receipt of kr 1008 (Norwegian currency krone) we establish contact and sends information to the address of those paying to the following account 1008 kr with the message “Utopia”. Be free to give an email-account-reference as well. Account by Rajananda Dhananjaya, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim, Norway, number; (IBAN) N025 5361 14 39713 BIC address DNBANOKKXXX, in Norway account 5361 14 39713 ! The money needed to build the first preliminary capital city of the world as a floating island even in the air, was not raised during the year. The need to realize such projects as soon as possible inspire us to uphold and develop our fundraising campaigns, well initiated. We shall be grateful to receive donations to the above account as well. The most important development though is the global networks of world citizens to form aspects of the global safety net for all, as well. The pyramid church outside the enterprise have pure democracy outside the foundation of the church by Global Times as network and decision making board, while the pyramid church executive organisation, adjust to the global voice of conscience in their field. Environmental organisations may copy the shared system of networking for parts of their activities! Classic Culture Celebration Clubs inside our enterprise has likewise organisation for network developments, as by the “Olympic games” for pyramid games as chess, go, dance, music, the pyramid game and more! A global chess festival with board 9x9 and network developments with multilevel marketing sales organisations is introduces at and by NSD NTNU, the new student society of the university of Trondheim. The science of wholeness enterprise was established in 1980 and has celebrated each year with its own theme of focus. The theme of the year to come with inauguration spring equinox Norway march 2005 is Global Safety Net, a net for all citizen of the world, uphold by most of them, is initiated and by its optimum universal application of its origin, developments and goals, not representing any interests outside what everyone easily may agree to stand by. A safety net providing economic independence for the individual, free information to be up to date with what is going on and what is needed of information to know best opportunities, with democratic control by all and opportunities of meet by celebrations not controlled by any interests, networking for safety solutions for pure food, organisations to meet the common dangers to the environment by the interests of all, disasters of the environment and other pollutions etc. Values of integrated answers to the challenges of time, not existing owing to the splitting up of interests everywhere. The Year of the Global Safety Net is inaugurated in few days while this quarterly magazine is late, but in time! ---------- The triumphal arch together for peace with the great pyramid foundation has stairs to the top, where one see out through the glass dome on top. The Global Growth Pyramid is The Growth Above Fundamental Needs Great Pyramid, growth, healthy, life supporting for all, also those with concentration of pure wealth.! The triumphal arch as ship has 2 passages for boats when 320mx320m 20 m high when wheels are folded together. The Dome of Peace on top with its 9 circle foundation was originally planned as the main building of World Capital, the capital city of the world, which we plan to build as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of the unification of world society and expression of global, universal co-operation of the science of wholeness enterprise, World Capital Experience. The circles put together from the globe gives a good world map too and a computer screen like the dome, we plan as perfect for the library of the unity of science and its map system together with our Global Intranet. The Flag of World Union We plan one reference system so one can start from space and focus on any part of the world, and from one size to another with alternatives; pictures, paintings, theme maps etc. and to as small an area of the world as map references are available for. All universities, countries, publishers etc. are welcome to contribute to the map. We also plan to build Peace Faculties of the Unity of Science or Comparative Research Study around the world with square buildings with the dome of peace as roof and environmental cities around. Mapping the world of information is one goal of the Library of the Unity of Science. The dome on the top as in the flag! The building has a pyramid as foundation and as a peace palace and environmental city on top of the pyramid by steel or stones as the ancient ones, is according to the initiative to give everyone in the whole world a room within such a peace city also as office for participation in global pure world democracy! Different sizes possible as the pyramid 600m high with a foundation 2,5 x Cheops!. As the first and preliminary floating capital city of the world, about 1 million 25m2 apartments is possible with windows. In the 400m long and 72m high construction there 2016 rooms, 120% and 86m high is better size while the single room 4mx4m is better than 3mx3m! The foundation is taken into the arch of the entrance which is given pyramid shape! Left drawing shows the foundation within! The triumphal arches may have a huge dome with a world map on top with its own location on top of the world and an observatory on top according to the theme. In great pyramid size of Cheops a peace and environmental city is the theme
ISSN 1500-6972 Global Times 9-4 Fourth quarter Year 9 inaugurated March 2004 The Magazine of fourth quarter of Year 9 of our Scientific Reference Years of the Library of the Unity of Science, beginning with December Norway 2004, 4th seven year period of scientific integration of the themes of Universitas week, published late, -march 2005! Global Times is published quarterly and the new scientific reference year is by number of days for each quarter of the year beginning with Spring Equinox, Norway. Global Times magazine - a science of wholeness enterprise publication by the reference system Global Times! ------------------- A global safety net for all is the answere to the challenga of time, meeting all problems within the concept of war against humanity, as poverty, environmental questions, freedom, genetic manipulation and other terrorbalances as atomic polution. It also meets the problems concerning integrating the networkd and develop different networks for different problems or challenges, without loosing the picture as a whole and need for integrated progress, while focusing. The reward of building a foundation of integrated progress is huge for the individual, with economic values and rewards as well. Politics is not a part of the networkd, nor religion as presented in global times. However, a meetingpoint for persons with religious goals for cooperating for integrated progress and the non.violence aspects of the enterprise, meets with an opportunity of cooperation, purely within the enterprise, and also groups who want inspire political developments as integration of world constitution in national constitution, may be connected to the network developments but not be a part of it, even though the gruoup may open coordinating groups purely inside the network and use Global Times as reference center and communication. |
Hele foretagendet er ekstremt vel forberedt ved godt samspill hele veien til god sukksess . Ulike finansieringsplaner eksisterer og vi antar at flere er gode slik at intet problem i vein for realisering ved tilbud og byggetillatelse er gitt. Litt tid til avklaring dog , bl.a. for avklaring av hva som skal finansieres eksakt og hvem, hvilke AS og personer som er med som vil etableres for fulbyrdelse av prosjekt!
En deltakelse i konkuransen om torvet i Trondheim har fremmet nytte av triumfbuen ved et fortsatt anonymt teams bidrag. Det anonyme teamet var assistert av Andersen som teamsekretær og som gikk god for at rammen rundt triumfbuen var aksetabel fa stiftelsens side. Kommunens feil var at de avviste konkuransebidraget formelt lorrekt fremmet helt motsvarende regler oppgitt med grunn: anonymiteten var brutt. Dette var feil da hverken triumfbuen eller stiftelsen deltok i konkuransen. Det er ganske alvorlig at kommunen utestenger et bidrag 100% innenfor konkuransen mens det premierer 2 bidrag som deltok utenfor konkuransen, da statuen, vedtatt av kommunen å være soluret, ikke skulle omfattes av konkuransebidragene og "vinner" vant på å endre denne!
Aksjon Sammen for Fred feiret FNs fredsår i Trondheim i 1986 med foredrag i januar og 4 årstidsfeiringer ved vår og høst jevndøg og sommer og vintersolverv. Konsert med willy Postma på harpe og markering på Ringeve museum vårjevndøgn og på eksakt tidspunkt for sommerjevndøgn, klokkespill med klokkene i Nidaroskatedralen kan nevnes. FNs Internasjonale fredsårssekrtæriat skrev til grunnlegger Stein Roar Andersen / nå Dhananjaya "We truly apprieciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace." prinsippet sammen for fred, det at alle vi som bor på denne vår vakre plannet må stå og vokse sammen, oppnå framgang og nyte fullbyrdelse sammen. Dette som et globalt sikkerhetsnet for alle ble introdusert samme år med boken: The revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace av grunnleggeren av prinsippet og Ny Fundamental Global Ordning som sikkerhetsnettet heter, basert på samspill deltid i global universell dugnad av verdens folk for å gi alle verdiene av Ny Fundamental Økonomisk Verdens Ordning (garantert et minimum av mat klær og bolig, nå også med tilpasniing til verdens økonomien som garantert minsteinntekt), fri tilgang til biblioteket for enheten av vitenskap (Ny Fundamental Informasjon, Kommunikasjon, Forskning og Utdannelses Ordning), globalt rent intet politisk demokrati for å sikre demokratisk kontroll med organiseringene og som Verdens samvittighets Stemme og siste verdi å produsere klassiske kultur feiringer av felleskapet. Aksjon sammen for fred, Verdens Fredsfond, Global Times etc. er blandt mange uavhengige stiftelser som fremmer ulike aspekt av dette omfattende foretagendet. Stiftelsen frmmer nå å bygge triumfbuer i sentrum av alle byer i verden og også på grensa mellom dem, som ambasade for vårt globale hjemland, fred og fellskapet av alle vi som bor på denne vår vakre plannet!