Investment Opportunity / Investerings muligheter
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The pyramid game of investing in stock companies of course is leagal by the growth pyramid!
Also a legal pyramid game of direct sale, multilevel marketing or network organisastions is found. Nothing illegal, false or not decent is found is this, and uplifting the association with pyramids, is good, there never was found any mumi in any pyramid we are told. Global Times editor position gives a wealthbuilding program which for students may be> introduced the new student society by NSD NTNU with a student Innovation University and organisation of the integration of new ideas into society. Also the concept of Know How Pyramid is a university idea of optiumum economy in the process of integrating knowledge by education and research. has more information as well. Networkbusiness by Pyramidbank as a legal pyramide business game, networksale we want to develop. In order to avoid all the mistakes in such initiatives erlier, a set og standardized rules for everything protecting the interests of everyone is needed and perfect adaptation all the way to real needs of people, otherwise it is like a baloone, exploding in the end or like the IT business baloone some years ago. Perfect concepts is developed and building a globalsaftynet for all as well by cooperation with Global Bank and the Pyramid Bank.
Det pyramidalske fortjeneste potensiale ved vekst pyramiden investeringer er selvsagt helt legalt. introduced the new student society by NSD NTNU with a student Innovation University and organisation of the integration of new ideas into society. Also the concept of Know How Pyramid is a university idea of optiumum economy in the process of integrating knowledge by education and research. has more information as well. Networkbusiness by Pyramidbank as a legal pyramide business game, networksale we want to develop. In order to avoid all the mistakes in such initiatives erlier, a set og standardized rules for everything protecting the interests of everyone is needed and perfect adaptation all the way to real needs of people, otherwise it is like a baloone, exploding in the end or like the IT business baloone some years ago. Perfect concepts is developed and building a globalsaftynet for all as well by cooperation with Global Bank and the Pyramid Bank.
We hope to establish 108 networks around the world each with more than 1 million particpants as a legal pyramid game with huge profitt potential for participants as legal networkbusiness, and only where and when legal. We want to purify the word pyramid game as that of legal network games opposed to those oriented to organise patterns of activity to earn money only. The pyramid bank in position to top the world of banking by giving all movements of accounts a reference system to protect the customer from indecent dependence on the world of banks. 108 businesses related to the enterprice fulfilling some of the needs of a global safetynet for all. The IT businesses developed as a pyramidgame but also as a baloone exploiding when too big. The reason for this was lack of protection of and adpatation to the interests of the user of IT products. When an opportunity to make the user dependent was found, a business was developed, while the economic interests of the user may have been served much better otherwise. The marked mechanism of free competetion was removed by economic and it skills agreements.
How to achieve a legal pyramid, not exploding in the end with loosers and a few winners, is found and the
ok approach of inviting a lot of people to join in found by the willingness to uphold standardized routines protecting the interest of everyone and democratic controll by everyone so no one is abusing positions. One approach is when everyone registeres one new participants a week, to do the same, inspire one new a week, a million NOK income is after about 6-7 mounths, if one new a day is the acctual succsess......... Several good approaches is found and the plan is to establish 108 of them as networks. Established networks and environmental and humanitarian organisations, shools and universities and their organisations are welcome to join in.
There are 3 areas of focus where investment opportunities are developed by extreme profitt potential:
It is the hydrogen society where we have several good patents and related to building environmental cities including one floating in theair with a surfe board below.
It is The Pyramid bank with cooperation with Global Bank and with patents and opportunities to be on top of the world of banks around the world.
Building environmental cities and houses for the cooperation of the enterprise and stock companies related!
We expect good profit in the size of a few million by each of a few thousend companies. Then we expect billion dollar profit by as many companies with a fulfilled company by its own city and the whole pyramid by the fulfilment of the capital city of the world and bringing huge wealth to everyone by creating the fundamental values as well!
A few years ago the IT investtment pyramid game was like an exploiding baloone, because the values created was developed for a marked to earn money alone, not corresponding to the real interests of the people or marked place. IT is a fundamental value, but not by itself, alway in realtion to some use, and that is its value within the investmentpyramid, which is not a pyramid game, corresponding to the need and oppotunity of time, the know how and global need pyramid. We may succed where the economy before failed in the mechanics of fulfilling world economy as well!
It is a great joy to welcome everyone to invest in Club 1008 projects and the standardized roules for all aspect of the pyramid bank organisations is going to be such that it can not be abused and democratic control by everyone through the foundations 50% of the governing stoks of the company and pure democracy and democratic control by that, is a key to have system where one can calculate and know that there are no obstacles of greed to succsess. Alittle money and a little parttime activities during a year may give 800% interrsts in the invested money and perhaps 500.000 in saved money or realestate as a new healthy home.

We hope to establish 108 networks around the world each with more than 1 million particpants as a legal pyramid game with huge profitt potential for participants as legal networkbusiness, and only where and when legal. We want to purify the word pyramid game as that of legal network games opposed to those oriented to organise patterns of activity to earn money only. The pyramid bank in position to top the world of banking by giving all movements of accounts a reference system to protect the customer from indecent dependence on the world of banks. 108 businesses related to the enterprice fulfilling some of the needs of a global safetynet for all. The IT businesses developed as a pyramidgame but also as a baloone exploiding when too big. The reason for this was lack of protection of and adpatation to the interests of the user of IT products. When an opportunity to make the user dependent was found, a business was developed, while the economic interests of the user may have been served much better otherwise. The marked mechanism of free competetion was removed by economic and it skills agreements.
How to achieve a legal pyramid, not exploding in the end with loosers and a few winners, is found and the
ok approach of inviting a lot of people to join in found by the willingness to uphold standardized routines protecting the interest of everyone asnd democratic controll by everyone so no one is abusing positions. several good approaches is found and the plan is to establish 108 of them as networks. Established networks and environmental and humanitarian organisations, shools and universities and their organisations are welcome to join in.
There are 3 areas of focus where investment opportunities are developed by extreme profitt potential:
It is the hydrogen society where we have several good patents and related to building environmental cities including one floating in theair with a surfe board below.
It is The Pyramid bank with cooperation with Global Bank and with patents and opportunities to be on top of the world of banks around the world.
Building environmental cities and houses for the cooperation of the enterprise and stock companies related!
We expect good profit in the size of a few million by each of a few thousend companies. Then we expect billion dollar profit by as many companies with a fulfilled company by its own city and the whole pyramid by the fulfilment of the capital city of the world and bringing huge wealth to everyone by creating the fundamental values as well!
A few years ago the IT investtment pyramid game was like an exploiding baloone, because the values created was developed for a marked to earn money alone, not corresponding to the real interests of the people or marked place. IT is a fundamental value, but not by itself, alway in realtion to some use, and that is its value within the investmentpyramid, which is not a pyramid game, corresponding to the need and oppotunity of time, the know how and global need pyramid. We may succed where the economy before failed in the mechanics of fulfilling world economy as well!
Some 1008 networkd with each more than 108 business opportunities each developed as a environmental city of joy is planned. Multilevel marketing, direct sale and network integration is combined, so one selling to one person a week, who joins in as well, doing the same, achieves passing £100,000.- after 6-7 mounths or if not weekly by daily after a mounth.
It is a great joy to welcome everyone to invest in Club 1008 projects

En av 1008 investeringskonsept, one of the 1008 concepts: with more in Norwegian

English introduction also on this page!

Ra 1008
Keopspyramiden som grunnmur ga trolig skipets overbygg som her vist, før keopspyramiden kollapset, vinkelen er rettet og overbygget beregnet!

Pyramidalsk investors fortjeneste potensial;
Investors profitt pyramider og multilevel marketing, netverks og direktesalg eller lovlige pyramidespill organisert for utvikling av globalt netverk for foretagendet gir gode muligheter for de seriøse med betydlige investeringsbeløp eller interesse for innsats ut over litt dugnad innen rammene av betalt jobb som selvstendig næringsdrivende. Netverks salg kan gi ved et salg i uka hvor den som kjøper blir med i netverket åog gjør likeså. et salg i uka, som gir en million i inntekt etter et halvt år, 6-7 måneder eller om ikke ukentlig men hver dag, innen en måneds tid.
En runde tilsier 50% økning av kapitalen investert og kan ta fra en uke til 3 måneder i dette pyramidespillet Pluss, man får beholde aksjene og støtte framveksten av reelle verdier.
Bl.a. ved patenter og forretningsutgangspunkt etableres utviklingsselskap, med investors cash inntil 49% av kapitalen. Når runden er fullbyrdet har man noe som kan selges til et nytt AS, et nytt utviklingsselskap.
For eksempel 250,000 kr reises og investorer går inn med 100.000,-kr med avtale om at produktet kan selges til nytt selskap for 370.000,-kr slik at investorene får 150.000,-kr utbetalt i fortjeneste og beholder aksjene i selskapet, som har egenverdi. Det kan starte på nytt med en ny avtale med de 1008 forretningskonsept som skal utvikles.
Utviklingsselskap 2 reiser 1,2 mill kr hvorav 600.000,-kr fra investorer og betaler 375.000,-kr for å kjøpe retten til å selge 1,8 mil kr når konseptet er utviklet til neste trinn og som første utviklingsselskap. Om tredje utviklingsselskap reiser 3,6 millioner eller milliarder avhenger av hvor god rundene er. Ikke bare har ulike milde stiftelser 50% av aksjene, selve åndsverket og konseptet som utvikles eies hele veien av verdens folk ved stiftelsene. Dette er interessant, fordi jo flere av de 1008 konsept som tildrar seg runde på runde med ekstremt store summer av investeringer jo mer blir det verdt for investorene, jo mer fagkompetanse støtter den positive utviklingen, fordi det er kun miljøvennlige og lifsfremmende produkt som utvikles og man kan inngå med kompetanse som aksjekapital. Videre investorene får være med på suksess etter suksess for et selskap som har fullbyrdet en runde, kan ta utfordringen med nye utgangspunkt. Folk styrer det hele via globalt demokrati og fordelene ved å være global kunde lokalt, muligheten til å fremme hvilke produkt man vil fremme ut fra andre kriterier enn økonomi og når først valgt, med bedre økonomi enn ellers pga synergieffektene og fordeler ved masseproduksjon med bestillinger først. F.els. 50 milloner borgere ønsker bærbar pc, tenk hvilken pris man kunne oppnå om man bestillte samlet og før produksjon! Ved braksukksess ville dette kunne være 2 milliarder pcer ved egne selskap. Slik blir pyramide rundene motsvarende reelle verdier i kundenes interesse og da det er de store konsentrasjoner av kapital som betaler profitten, er det verdens første pyramidespill som garantert er i andres interesse og selvsagt er 100% legalt. Det kan gått være at etselskaps runde, kun utvklikler prospektet og finner garantier for at det er tilpasset et lands lover og slik har vi 1008 selkap for alle land og stater på programmet! Hvert av de 1008 selskap kan også ha 1008 utviklingsselskap, i møtepunktet til de 1008 forretningskonsept og gjerne grupper av konsept.
Her er et eksempel på sol og vindenergi, gode prospekt og patenter gitt i gave til verdens folk ved milde stiftelser og Stein Roar Andersen.
Første runde er å reise selskap med 1,2 millioner kr og 590.000 kr i investeringer utenfra i form av cash, assistanse, gjerne faglig.
Selskapet skal etablere et komplett byggeprosjekt a et skip som her vist, 24mx16m og overbygget 16m høyt pluss master! Dette innebærer konsept på eget AS og nytt, alle beregninger for at skipet skal ha godkjente verdier, inklusive restaurant, økonomiske beregninger på bygging og realisering alt inklusive også første kvartals drift! Vi innbyr til deltids innsats, slik at vi gjerne kan få med de beste av de beste til å føre framover!
Er du på toppen innen ditt felt og søker utfordringer som inkluderer perspektivet av å samle verden til et sundt og godt rike for alle og doble en formue flere ganger! Itinvesterings pyramiden sprakk fordi den ikke representerte en ekte utvikling og derfor kunne holde hele veien. Men her vil hver runde representere reelle økonomiske verdier meget større enn den cash flyt og de investeringer som gjøres og alt selvsagt kun i den grad det er legalt i hvert land!

Ta gjerne kontakt med
Rajananda Dhanajaya

Så er det andre patenter også, hver og en med egne selskap.
Organiseringen av innovasjons Norge bør være ved utviklingssselskap i konkuranse med hverandre om utvkling av oppfinners ide! Innovasjonsuniversitet organiserer dette!

It is a great joy to offer an opportunity to invest money in stock companies in Norway or elsewhere with different approaches to risking loss. When buildings in Norway is good investsments considered, we may establish companies only for owning new buildings and with a profitt potential in that all houses is more worth than the sum of bricks so to say, especially in the present marked. As well we may offer investment opportunities with high profitt potential and considerable risk involved, but ensure an agreed profitt in percentages of the invested money. One foundation should always enjoy 51% of the stocks and if you invest in one of the companies owing one of the 64 penthouses of the 1008 building, on land such a building would be worth between 1 million and 5 million NOK. If the wales of land, opportunity, drawings etc. is worth 500.000,- NOK (according to usual consideration in the marked of Norway, you may invest about 500.000,-kNOK too.

Or 60 times that much in 60 stock companies or the same for one of the 1008 rooms, 50.000,- in a company with 100.000,-NOK in shares about. Yoa may invest 80 million NOK or US$ 10 million in one such building or ship, and we plan 2 for every 1008 persons in the whole world. We have several other values following each stock company, too, which may be the investment of the company in a risk stock company with many new teccnology patents too.

We shall be grateful to hear from you if interested and communicated interest for more information by ordering a Global Times Subscription and / or request for a meeting with Stein Roar Andersen.

Almost every week someone is communicating interest in investing million of dollars, and we welcome people or companies wanting to invest for the sake of investment to do so. It is possible to agree about rukes for the company in order to safeguard low risk profile for new companies and if investments is not for persons wanting to have a base in the Utsava sabha construction full time, investments for 10 years with a minimum of twice the invested sum including 10% annual interest is possible, so the property goes back to the club after 10 years if minimum incom is achieved in cooperation with the club.

The investment opportunity is also ment for 1008 in position to invest 50.000,- NOK to have their own room on the same bases or 60 to invest 500.000,- NOK only to have their own penthouse according to the same flexible patterns of stock company rules and agreements.

Please, be free to communicate interest to join in.

Everyone their own office in a club 1008 building and/or ship is an opportunity for the world to fulfil world economy as well. By ordering a subscription of Global Times, you may study the concepts og fulfilling world economy.
Our innovation university has a investment opportunity by
innovation university reference system Ltd and also dispose some 20 perhaps excellent business opportunities with extremely satisfying profitt potential for those just investing where money do best also from the point of view of wealth building. We welcome investors and if investors want position to ensure growth and themself administrate or integrate within their own business the growth potentials, we welcome that too! we shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly! Stein Roar Andersen, the founder of the year of fulfilment of world economy and Golden Age of Academia Innovation University, gives lectures and £ 10,000 + covering of expenses may give a lecture in Norwegian or English if time and place is found ok!

The Investment growth pyramid conference is planned arranged all the time as soon as people is registering their interest. The conference is planned for 2 -4 hours depending on debate and questions. 1008 kr (NOK) is the cost for participants, and if Stein Roar Andersen has to travel from Trondheim, expenses must be added. However, so far it is a conference in Norway and Norwegian or English if wanted!

More also at :

This ship we plan to build 240m x 360m long and 1008 which may be put to gether as one floating island, of a size 24m long or 15 m long!
Innbydelse til tegning av aksjer.
Pyramiden AS
1. Selskapets navn er Pyramiden AS og har enklest mulig tilpasning til norsk aksjelov.
2. Selskapets adm. dir. har begrenset representasjonsrett, spesifikt dokumentert og har selskapets adresse som privatperson med deltidsjobbansvar. Navn_____________________ og adresse ______________________
3.Selskapet har 200.000,-kr i aksjekapital og kjøper rettigheter og prospekt fra stiftelsen NSD Norge for 100.000,-kr. Stiftelsen får 50% av aksjene motregning. Stein Roar Andersen har 1 aksje og 99 aksjer hver 1000 kr alle verdier selges til diverse aksjonærer. Selskapet har dokumentert avtale på uvikling av prospekt og dette kan selges mot 300.000,-kr. Selskapets regler må ha 3/4 flertall for å endres og har ingen andre oppgaver før dokumentert og kjøpt avtale er fulbyrdet.
4. Aksjonærene forutsatt ingen endring av ovenstående overlater representasjons retten av stemmeretten ved aksjene ved konstiturende genralforsamling til stiftelsen. dette gjelder også første generalforsamling om ingen endring skjer og jobben ikke fullbyrdet.
5. Selskapets styreformann er Stein Roar Andersen ved egne og stiftelsens aksjer.
6.Selskapets utgifter er nøkterne og strengt tatt ingen utgifter kan belastet selskapet som styret først ikke har godkjent.

Avtalen om kjøp av rettigheter for videreutvikling og salg har en klausul om at om selskapet ikke oppnår den sukksess som forventet, realisasjon av ideen, må selskapet inngå i et nytt AS med verdien som man kunne selge for 150%, som aksjekapital og med verdi 110% av aksjekapitalen. Første selskap kan ha som oppgave å skrive prospekt, etablere nytt AS og eget, reise 1,2 mill kr i aksjekapital for det nye selskapet og finne samspill partnere med kompetanse og interesse. Et etablert AS kan få utviklingsoppgave med avtalt salg på like vis og hvor man etter en tid inngår med det utviklede i nytt AS. Ordninger sikrer eier, verdens folk ved mild stiftelse, og de som er med og samspiller, gode posisjoner og velkomst med! Merk at bonus, fri aksje i det nye selskapet, f.eks. verdt 12.000 kr kan bli svært meget verdt og nøktern økonomi, gir mulighet for generøsitet mot de som er med underveis. 150% økning av innsats i uka er godt pyramidespill og det er intet i veien for at en runde kan være ved flere dannelser, f.eks. 1 ide blir plutselig 200 aksjeselskap, som man har bonus aksje i!
Bedrifter, organisasjoner, investorer, fagfolk etc. er velkommen til å kommunise interesse for deltakelse.

Students Innovation University NSD NTNU assists the entire society by assisting the integration of new ideas through stock companies or established businesses deal for developing the idea. An inventor should be well received, not told to become a buisnessman, inventions is his speciality. The deal is that a company develops the idea into production or relization as an business opportunity, if the investment was 1 million $, the deal may be achieving 2-3 or more times that as a profitt and agreed 5 years production in one country perhaps or selling to a new company. So the inventor receives the the rigth to the idea itself also after fulfilment and may achieve deals with others wanting to develop the idea as well, with same agreement for another country and with a top profit for the assisting developing company, if the product is sold outside the country and used further another 2-3 times investment in profitt is achieved. The inventor may expect a progress for the deal to be upheld. This is what the innovation University assist with, inventors have a reference centre where companies and investors may bid for a good deal and governments wanting to promote innovation should invest all their money in the university, most efficient and without interfering with free business in any way!

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